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Income calculator

The calculator is a guide only. You should seek your own financial and business advice.

The income calculator is an average figure based on standard hours from Monday to Friday, during a school term. It is a general estimate of your potential earnings, without considering other business expenses such as:

  • mortgage or rent
  • vehicle expenses (fuel, registration, maintenance, and insurance)
  • home repairs or maintenance
  • phone, internet and computer costs
  • groceries used for care (food, cleaning products, tissues, and toilet paper)
  • insurance (public liability, home and contents, and income protection)
  • training and development
  • resources and equipment
  • subscriptions and memberships (Family Day Care Australia fee, service membership, and union membership fees)
  • superannuation, sick leave, and annual leave.

You can also earn more income if you offer additional flexible care, including overnight care, pupil free days, public holidays and week-end care.

Educators can care for up to 7 children in total, with a no more than 4 children under school age. For example, they could have 2 children under school age and 5 children over school age for a maximum of 7 children.

The calculator will produce an estimated income that meets the child to educator ratio requirements outlined in the Education and Care Services National Regulations, including how many of your own children (up to the age of 13) will be in your care.