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Our partners and providers

At Orbis, we’ve sought out leading organisations to co-design and deliver our programs. You’ll learn from world-class experts who share our vision for exemplary learning in South Australia’s schools and preschools.

University of Melbourne

You’ll learn about industry best practice applied to the local context through our partnership with The University of Melbourne. This partnership brings together The University of Melbourne’s education experts and industry research with our knowledge of the South Australian teaching context.

Flinders University

90% of Flinders University’s research is rated at world-standard and this partnership ensures our Special Options program is evidence-informed and addresses the specialised needs of diverse students.

The Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Harvard Graduate School of Education delivers the Leadership for School Excellence program. In 2024, the Harvard faculty will be collaborating with a group of our principals in Sydney. Find out how you can be notified when application open for 2025 here.

Department for Education

The Department for Education’s Pauline Carter and Maureen Hegarty are the team that brought you Thinking Maths. This program that was independently evaluated by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) for its impact on student learning and dispositions. They have now partnered with us to deliver a suite of mathematics programs for teachers from R-9.