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School sport convenor expression of interest for 2024

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Expressions of interest are sought from Department for Education teachers and employees and non-government school teachers for the role of School Sport Convenor.

Position details

  • Convenors will be based at various schools and corporate sites throughout South Australia
  • Term of appointment is for 2024


All positions are funded at the below full time equivalent (FTE) teacher rate unless otherwise indicated

  • Southern Fleurieu district 0.193 plus additional release of 8 TRT days.

A person new to the role of convenor will have additional release time provided and individualised support to transition into the role.

Context of the position

The Sport and Water Safety Unit sits within the Curriculum and Learning (CAL) Division in the Department for Education.

The School Sport office consists of the

  • School Sport Team Leader
  • Assistant School Sport Team Leader
  • School Sport Officers
  • Senior Site Services Officer
  • Finance Officer
  • Administration Officer – Program Support.

Throughout South Australia there are district, zone and regional school sport convenors who are allocated a fraction of time dependant on the size of the area and program to provide sporting opportunities for students in their local area.

The convenor coordinates the development and implementation of quality school sports programs that align with the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum to support the learning needs of students in the programs.

  • District convenors work with 10 to 12 year old primary school students.
  • Zone convenors work with year 7 to 12 secondary school students.
  • Regional convenors work across primary and secondary schools.

Role description

The convenor will

  • be responsible for delivering sports programs at the local interschool level as well as organising representative competitions conducted through the School Sport office.
  • work in close collaboration with local schools and the School Sport Team to provide expertise in achieving effective and equitable program outcomes in partnership with key sporting organisations, clubs, and teachers in schools.
  • work in conjunction with a committee of local school representatives who are responsible establishing clear procedures for the conduct of programs and events ensuring child safety and providing safe environments with risk management considerations.
  • be responsible for the reporting process that provides participation data and specific event information and feedback withing the specified time frame.

Essential criteria

  1. Proven commitment to the values of school sport and commitment to improving student participation rates at the local level.
  2. Demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills that are effective with diverse groups and individuals.
  3. Proven highly effective time management and organisation skills including personnel, financial and resources.


Positions are open to Department for Education teachers and employees and non-government teachers.

Key relationships

The convenor reports to the School Sport Assistant Team Leader and Team Leader and the district, zone, or regional chairperson. The chairperson is the nominated principal or principal’s delegate.

For day-to-day matters, the convenor maintains normal performance management relationships with their site.

For financial matters, the convenor works closely with the financial officer of the site where the district, zone or regional finance management is based.

How to apply

Submit by email to Daniel Rankine daniel.rankine@sa.gov.au by Wednesday 21 February the following


Daniel Rankine - 8416 5900

Employee requirements

All Department for Education employees are expected to uphold the Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector.

Employees have a responsibility to ensure they are aware of, properly administer and comply with all legislation and regulations relevant to the performance of their duties and their role including equal opportunity and relevant workplace health and safety legislation and related departmental responsibilities and procedures, including child safety.