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Find schools, preschools and other services

This page lists all Department for Education schools, preschools and other services.

Use the search options below to filter the list. If the search is left blank, all sites will be listed alphabetically.

You can also use the school zone or catchment area finder to find out which school zone or preschool catchment you live in.

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Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs April Vanderaa
(08) 8254 1700

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Child Care Centres > Private CCCs
Ms Judy Atkinson
(08) 8564 3387
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Nicole Garrett
(08) 8564 2330

Three-year old preschool available from 2028

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown
(08) 8564 2215
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Ms Renee Tonani
(08) 8284 7786

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mr David Pitt
(08) 8284 7222
Out of School Hours Care
Child Care Centres > Other Private CCCs
Ms Donna Nicole
(08) 8422 2288
Specialist Facilities > Ancillary Education Establishments
Mr David Doherty
(08) 8339 3237
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Miss Ally Harvey
(08) 8837 3284

Three-year old preschool available from 2026

Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Jane Klaebe
(08) 8837 3284
Primary/Secondary Combined > Area Schools
Mrs Margaret Roads
(08) 8837 3025
Integrated Centres > Children's Centres
Mrs Heather Fuss
(08) 8264 9828

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Heather Fuss
(08) 8264 9828
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mr Mark Hansen
(08) 8264 8099
Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8396 4069
Ms Kelsi Masters
(08) 8628 2211
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Ms Sally Sorrell
(08) 8276 6810

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mr Sam Kennedy
(08) 8276 3055
Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8374 1231
