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Find schools, preschools and other services

This page lists all Department for Education schools, preschools and other services.

Use the search options below to filter the list. If the search is left blank, all sites will be listed alphabetically.

You can also use the school zone or catchment area finder to find out which school zone or preschool catchment you live in.

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Child Care Centres > Private CCCs
Ms Caroline Nadia Dixon
(08) 8445 6573
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Kirsty Maclean
(08) 8445 2744
Primary/Secondary Combined > Area Schools
Mrs Ann O'Sullivan
(08) 8673 7287
Woomera Preschool
Preschools > Child Parent Centres
Mrs Ann O'Sullivan
(08) 8673 7287

Three-year old preschool available from 2026

Primary/Secondary Combined > Area Schools
Mr Peter Loades
(08) 8680 2263
Family Day Care Schemes
Ms Danni McIntosh
(08) 8680 2940
Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Beck Sampson
(08) 8680 2252
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Beck Sampson
(08) 8680 2252

Three-year old preschool available from 2026

Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Pauline Bosco
(08) 8289 0139

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Preschools > Child Parent Centres
Mrs Amanda Browne
(08) 8289 3915

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Amanda Browne
(08) 8289 0270
Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8289 3580
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Ms Chris Morrison
(08) 8725 3658
Aboriginal/Anangu Schools > Anangu Schools
Mr Mitch Vanson
(08) 8625 6280
Preschools > Anangu Preschools
Mr Mitch Vanson
(08) 8625 6280

Three-year old preschool available from 2026

Primary/Secondary Combined > Area Schools
Mrs Haley Przibilla
(08) 8558 0888
Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8558 0830
Integrated Centres > Integrated Rural Preschools/CCC
Mrs Sarah Coventry
(08) 8558 2387

Three-year old preschool available from 2028

Child Care Centres > Community Managed CCCs
Ms Cathy Tozer
(08) 8558 2387
Primary/Secondary Combined > Area Schools
Mr Michael Beelitz
(08) 8852 1233
