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Reception learning at home resources

Reception learning at home resources

These lessons can support short-term learning at home when face-to-face learning is interrupted.

Students can start at lesson 1 and work their way through in order. Each lesson is either a video or a PowerPoint presentation.

You can also:


Displaying items 30 - 39 of 40


Learning area

Number – the narrative

Numeracy lesson 30 (Series 1)

Learn to identify numbers before and after numerals 1 to 6. You'll need listening ears and eyes.

Introduction to measurement

Numeracy lesson 31 (Series 1)

Learn where we can use measurement and what we can measure?You'll need a pencil and some paper.


Numeracy lesson 32 (Series 1)

Learn to make a reasonable estimation. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Mass – how heavy is it?

Numeracy lesson 33 (Series 1)

Learn to estimate and compare the mass of two objects. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Comparing mass – heavy or heavier?

Numeracy lesson 34 (Series 1)

Learn to compare and order objects according to their mass. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Capacity - how much can it hold?

Numeracy lesson 35 (Series 1)

Learn to estimate and compare the capacity of two objects. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Comparing capacity – holds more or holds less

Numeracy lesson 36 (Series 1)

Use your knowledge of size and shape to pack food into containers. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Length – how long it is?

Numeracy lesson 37 (Series 1)

Discover how measurement and comparison can help to make a kite. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Comparing length – long or longer

Numeracy lesson 38 (Series 1)

Measure and order materials by their length for a purpose. You'll need a pencil and some paper.

Actions of a good measurer

Numeracy lesson 39 (Series 1)

Learn to use concepts of measurement – length, capacity and mass. How can we make estimations of these measurements when making playdough. You'll need a pencil and some paper.
