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Year 6

Year 6

These lessons can support short-term learning at home when face-to-face learning is interrupted.

Students can start at lesson 1 and work their way through in order. Each lesson is either a video or a PowerPoint presentation.

You can also:


Displaying items 20 - 25 of 25


Learning area

Identify language choices for characterisation

English lesson 20 (Series 1)

Review and deepen your understanding of language choices to develop characterisation. You'll need pen, paper or device, notes from lessons 9, 10, 19 and the story in lesson 16.

Identifying and expanding language choices for characterisation

English lesson 21 (Series 1)

Review and expand your language choices for characterisation. You'll need your notes from lesson 20.

Complex sentences (part 1)

English lesson 22 (Series 1)

Review and deepen your understanding of complex sentences and how to use them in your writing. You'll need pen and paper or a device and your work from lesson 21.

Complex sentences (part 2)

English lesson 23 (Series 1)

Deepen your knowledge and understanding of using complex sentences when writing a short story. You'll need a pen and paper or a device and your work from lesson 22.

Similarities and differences between short stories

English lesson 24 (Series 1)

Learn how to identify and locate similarities and differences between 2 short stories. You'll need a pen and paper or a device and your work from lesson 23.

Responding to a narrative short story

English lesson 25 (Series 1)

Learn about how authors develop and use characterisation to create a response to a short story. You'll need a pen, paper or a device and notes from lesson 24.
