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Year 9

Year 9

These lessons can support short-term learning at home when face-to-face learning is interrupted.

Students can start at lesson 1 and work their way through in order. Each lesson is either a video or a PowerPoint presentation.

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Displaying items 1 - 10 of 25


Learning area

A review of the 4 operations

Mathematics lesson 1 (Series 1)

Review the 4 mathematics operations and order of operations – place value, whole numbers, index notation and index laws. You'll need pen or pencil, paper or notebook and a calculator.


Mathematics lesson 2 (Series 1)

Learn to investigate, apply and compare ratios (part-part, part to whole and rate). You'll need a pen or pencil, paper or notebook and a calculator.

Ratios and proportion

Mathematics lesson 3 (Series 1)

Learn about equivalent ratios, proportion and problem solving with proportion. You'll need pen or pencil, paper or notebook and a calculator.


Mathematics lesson 4 (Series 1)

Learn about ratio tables and graphing. You'll need pen or pencil, paper or notebook and a calculator.

Ratios and proportions

Mathematics lesson 5 (Series 1)

Learn to identify and write proportional relationships, ratios and proportion in daily life.

Index and expanded form

Mathematics lesson 6 (Series 1)

Recall the connection between index and expanded form for integers. You'll need pen or pencil, paper and a calculator.

Index laws with integer bases

Mathematics lesson 7 (Series 1)

Recall and apply the first 4 index laws. You'll need pen or pencil, paper and a calculator.

Negative index law

Mathematics lesson 8 (Series 1)

Learn to use and apply the negative index law. You'll need pen or pencil, paper and a calculator.

A review of indices

Mathematics lesson 9 (Series 1)

Learn to use and apply indices laws to integer and variable bases. You'll need pen or pencil, paper and a calculator.

Large and small numbers

Mathematics lesson 10 (Series 1)

Learn to recognise powers of 10 and use scientific notation and standard decimal form. You'll need pen or pencil, paper and a calculator.
