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Find schools, preschools and other services

This page lists all Department for Education schools, preschools and other services.

Use the search options below to filter the list. If the search is left blank, all sites will be listed alphabetically.

You can also use the school zone or catchment area finder to find out which school zone or preschool catchment you live in.

Schools, preschools and other services can also update their listing.


Rural Care Program > Rural Care Programs in Preschools
Mr Richard Hall
(08) 8826 2230
Integrated Centres > Children's Centres
Mrs Rowena McAvaney
(08) 8342 3329
Integrated Centres > Children's Centres
Ms Joan Gilbert
(08) 8342 3329
Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Bridget Klingberg
(08) 8538 5123
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Elise Coulthard
(08) 8538 5123
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Suyin McDonald
(08) 8538 5046
Calvary Kindergarten
Preschools > Affiliate Preschools
Ms Sarah Nagy
(08) 8382 8057
Preschools > Child Parent Centres
Ms Leila Kasprzak
(08) 8564 5028
Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Michele Holloway
(08) 8564 5028
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Ms Leila Kasprzak
(08) 8564 5028
Child Care Centres > Community Managed CCCs
Ms Karen Drysdale
(08) 8295 7844
Child Care Centres > Community Managed CCCs
Ms Sharmane LEONARD
(08) 8336 2100
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Miss Patricia Silvestrino
(08) 8365 6732
Preschools > Child Parent Centres
(08) 8642 6504
Aboriginal/Anangu Schools > Aboriginal Schools
Mrs Leonie Falland
(08) 8642 2281
Child Care Centres > Private CCCs
Ms Jennifer Turner
(08) 8724 9575
Integrated Centres > Integrated Rural Preschools/CCC
Ms Suzanne Cottle
(08) 8752 1374
Child Care Centres > Community Managed CCCs
Ms Debra Downing
(08) 8752 1374
Child Care Centres > Private CCCs
Ms Bianca Humphries
(08) 8377 4267
Child Care Centres > Private CCCs
Ms Vanessa Rameh
(08) 8490 0723
