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Parent engagement framework – building parent-school partnerships

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Our parent engagement framework is an important piece of our new parent engagement in learning strategy. It's part of the foundation for building strong school-parent partnerships and explains how we can all make a difference to support learning success for students.

Download the parent engagement framework (PDF 1.43MB)

Download the parent engagement in learning strategy (PDF 1.77MB)

Our vision

Parents are engaged in their child’s education and feel empowered to support learning at home through strong partnerships with schools.

Our relationship with parents are at the centre of success for every child at school.

You can download and read the parent engagement framework to find out more.

An introduction to parent engagement

Video transcript

Parent engagement is where they're really connected with the learning of their child. So that they're in partnership with the child's teachers, learn in the classroom, and then take the learning home. When you have a really positive engagement with families, what you will do is build a partnership.

There's this kind of complex puzzle and we're trying to all work together. That's where you're really starting to get engagement, and your understanding what the teacher is doing and why they're doing it. Through that partnership, together you'll get greater outcomes for the children and young people.

[00:00:36] [END OF AUDIO]

Why this matters

When schools and parents work in partnership it means there are:

  • increased academic achievements
  • increased student wellbeing
  • better lifelong outcomes for students.

Parent Engagement

For questions about getting involved in your child's learning.

Email: education.ParentEngagement [at] sa.gov.au

Learning at Home

For questions or comments about the learning at home lessons.

Email: learningathome [at] sa.gov.au