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Transport requirements

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New requirements for the safe transportation of children under the Education and Care Services National Regulations (National Regulations) commenced on 1 October 2020.

These additional requirements include having:

  • a policy and procedures relating to transportation
  • risk assessment for transporting children
  • written authorisation for transporting children.

Other amendments to the National Regulations include the requirement for additional information about the transportation of children to be included on excursion permission forms and risk assessments for excursions.

To support your family day care service meet these requirements, please see links to resources below.

Policy and procedures

Safe transportation of children policy and Safe transportation of children procedure for all department services.

Transportation documents

The transportation specific resources that are needed include:

The above forms are also on the Business administration and forms page in the Educator portal.

Excursion documents

The risk assessment templates and permission forms have been updated to reflect the changes. They include:

The above forms are also on the Business administration and forms page in the Educator portal.

Family Day Care Business and Customer Support Centre

Phone (metro): 8343 6533
Phone (country): 1300 551 890
Email: educationfdcbusiness@sa.gov.au