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Find schools, preschools and other services

This page lists all Department for Education schools, preschools and other services.

Use the search options below to filter the list. If the search is left blank, all sites will be listed alphabetically.

You can also use the school zone or catchment area finder to find out which school zone or preschool catchment you live in.

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Child Care Centres > Community Managed CCCs
Mrs Dale Gathercole
(08) 8862 1251
Secondary Education > High/Secondary Schools
Mr Derek Friedrichs
(08) 8862 0600
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Dianna Jarman
(08) 8862 1660
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Sile Legoe
(08) 8766 2139

Three-year old preschool available from 2027

Rural Care Program > Rural Care Programs in Preschools
Mrs Sile Legoe
(08) 8766 2222
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Kate Schwarz
(08) 8296 2928

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Secondary Education > High/Secondary Schools
Mrs Natasa Penna
(08) 8264 8122
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Meg Green
(08) 8263 0487

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8264 2114
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Miss Renee Miller
(08) 8264 2114
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Michelle Sibbons
(08) 8356 3430

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Bronwyn Smith
(08) 8267 1388

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8155 5444
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Candice Clark
(08) 8588 2210

Three-year old preschool available from 2027

Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Amy Hunt
(08) 8588 2210
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Jayne Foulds
(08) 8588 2198
Child Care Centres > Other Private CCCs
Ms Kia Roberts
(08) 8563 0030
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mrs Christie Evans
(08) 8390 3466
Preschools > Child Parent Centres
Miss Jessica Willmott
(08) 8735 8124

Three-year old preschool available from 2027

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Miss Jessica Willmott
(08) 8735 8124
