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Greater access to free period products in public schools

23 June 2023

Funding of period products in South Australian public schools has been increased following consultation with schools across the state.

The funding has been lifted and will now total $564,000 over the next three years.

More funding will be provided to our most disadvantaged schools to help alleviate inequalities in accessing period products.

All schools with students in Years 5 and above receive funding to provide period products to help remove learning barriers, improve student wellbeing, and support students’ attendance and engagement.

Students will also guide schools to determine how and where the period products are provided, and which products are supplied, to ensure the distribution of period products are done in a sensitive and site-specific way.

In 2020, the SA Commissioner for Children and Young People surveyed almost 3000 South Australian children and young people (aged 7 to 22) and found that one in four of those surveyed experienced barriers to getting period products when they needed – including cost, shame and lack of knowledge.

Providing free period products to South Australian public schools helps alleviate those barriers.

The State Government has also provided funding to four non-government organisations to act as a referral point for schools including those finding provision of products challenging. The $60,000 allocation over three years from 2022 is being provided annually to Foodbank South Australia, Taboo Sanitary Products, Kickstart for Kids and Share the Dignity.