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National Student Volunteer Week starts today

7 August 2023

National Student Volunteer Week runs from 7 to 13 August this year. It acknowledges and celebrates the thousands of students who are volunteering in their communities, while promoting volunteering to children and young people across Australia.

This year’s theme of ‘Give. Grow. Belong.’ taps into a generation who are committed to getting involved with causes they believe in and contributing to positive change.

“I currently have students volunteering in different capacities in the Youngster Co program, at Hope Street, at Midway Rd House, and many others volunteering in the school library and student-run café,” says Andrea Williams, Leader of VET, WPP/Business, Buzz, Careers and Student Pathways at Northern Adelaide Senior College.

“The student run Youngster Co program is an intergenerational volunteering program that centres around students helping seniors with basic technology needs. A lead student volunteer helps seniors with booking appointments and allocating students to support.”

This is just one of many student volunteer programs across South Australia. These programs are diverse, including tree planting, building relationships with seniors, supporting younger students within school communities, reading programs and more.

The programs not only serve their communities – there are also great outcomes for students. Students can develop or strengthen important life skills like communication, listening skills and empathy, employability skills and customer service, all while feeling part of something bigger that has purpose and impact.

Visit the National Student Volunteer Week website for more ideas and resources to help you acknowledge and celebrate with your school community, or to seek out a volunteering opportunity with your child.

For more information on student volunteering in South Australia, visit the Department for Education’s student volunteers page.