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Debelle report – independent education inquiry

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In November 2012, the State Government asked former Supreme Court Justice, the Honourable Bruce Debelle AO QC to conduct an independent inquiry into the handling of an incident at a western suburbs school.

The inquiry is commonly known as the Debelle report.

Terms of reference

The terms of reference of the Inquiry were;

To undertake an independent review in relation to the events and circumstances surrounding the non-disclosure to the school community of allegations of sexual assault committed by an employee of the Out of School Care service against a child in his care in 2010.

The review should consider the actions of all relevant agencies, and make recommendations relating to the actions of the parties involved and the procedures and processes that should be in place in these circumstances.

An initial report (PDF 1.5MB) was released on 1 July 2013 along with a letter from the Premier and the Minister for Education (PDF 275KB).

The final unedited report (PDF 131.2MB) was released on 16 September 2014.

Implementation of recommendations

The implementation of recommendations table (PDF 80KB) documents the actions taken across Government to implement the report’s recommendations.

Peter Allen review

The Peter Allen review (PDF 107MB) contains recommendations to improve operations and culture of the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD).

It was finalised in September 2013.

The review took place after the release of the Independent Education Inquiry and was aimed at recommending organisational changes to improve operations and culture of the department. 

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