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Cleaning our teeth is something that we do at least once every day. Some families have a routine of cleaning their teeth after every meal while other families may clean their teeth in the morning and then at night before they go to bed. Talking to your child as you clean their teeth - or as they try themselves - is a wonderful opportunity to use positional and directional
Losing a tooth is a big milestone for children. How will you celebrate it? Some families have the tooth fairy who leaves money in return for the tooth. There are other ways to celebrate though. You could have a special lost tooth book and write the date the tooth was lost along with a the story about how it got lost. You could draw or download a map of all the teeth in your
Talk about how thirsty your child is - do they want a big glass or a small glass? Is there a favourite glass that they have and can they find where it is? Will they have a hot or a cold drink and where would they find the drink? When you pour the drink will it be from a tap that may come out of the tap very fast or will it be poured from a jug slowly?
Before leaving the house to travel somewhere find your location on a map and identify where you want to go. Plot the best route to travel to that location. Will the route you take change if you are walking or travelling in a car or a bus? Talk about the number of streets you may need to cross and if the streets are long or short. Is the location you are travelling to close or
If you are going on a bus, train or tram look up the timetables with your child before you go. Talk about how you are going to get there. Will it be on the bus, on a tram or by train?Show your child that each bus or train has its own timetable.Which number bus are we catching? The 224 or the 225?What time do we need to get there? How long will it take? What time do we leave
While you are waiting for the lift to come talk to your child about the number of the floor that you want to travel to.Is it a high number or a low number?Is it a number above the ground floor which means the lift will travel up or is the floor below ground level and so will go down?Talk about how the buttons have symbols on them that will provide directions and instructions.