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Find schools, preschools and other services

This page lists all Department for Education schools, preschools and other services.

Use the search options below to filter the list. If the search is left blank, all sites will be listed alphabetically.

You can also use the school zone or catchment area finder to find out which school zone or preschool catchment you live in.

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Child Care Centres > Private CCCs
(08) 8420 0691
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Miss Stacy Pastro
(08) 8337 5493

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Mr Michael Cain
(08) 8337 3300
Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8336 7541
Auburn OSHC
Out of School Hours Care
Ms Linda Ritchie
(08) 8849 2112
Primary Education > Primary Schools
Miss Skye Irwin
(08) 8849 2112
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Fiona Faulks
(08) 8642 3399

Three-year old preschool available from 2028

Primary Education > Primary Schools
Ms Bec Mueller
(08) 8642 3599
Preschools > Special Preschools
Ms Nikola Haskell
(08) 8261 1944

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Secondary Education > High/Secondary Schools
Mrs Kylie Eggers
(08) 8201 5686
Specialist Facilities > Hearing Impaired Units
Mr Hamish McDonald
(08) 8261 2733
Primary/Secondary Combined > Primary/Secondary Schools
Mr Hamish McDonald
(08) 8261 2733
Avenues College CC Occ Care
Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mr Hamish McDonald
(08) 8261 2733
Integrated Centres > Children's Centres
Mr Hamish McDonald
(08) 8261 2733

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Out of School Hours Care
(08) 8155 5444
Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Miss Sarah Williams
(08) 8295 1371

Three-year old preschool available from 2030

Preschools > Children's Services Centres
Mrs Kelly Jarc
(08) 8322 3798

Three-year old preschool available from 2029

Occasional Care > Occasional Care in Preschools
Mrs Ann Millhouse
(08) 8322 3798
Integrated Centres > Integrated Rural Preschools/CCC
Ms Kym Bradbury
(08) 8862 1251

Three-year old preschool available from 2027
