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Workforce datasets and profiles

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Workforce data can be used to help with current and future workforce planning. The data includes demographic information such as age and gender, and employment information such as qualifications and hours worked.

You can access:

  • open datasets available through DataSA
  • workforce profiles by Workforce Reporting.

Workforce datasets

DataSA provides datasets from the last pay period commencing June 2014 onwards on the department’s:

Workforce profiles

Workforce profiles provide information on the composition of the department’s workforce and key trends.

The profiles are of staff who were employed or on paid leave as at the last payday in June in the relevant year.

Workforce summary

These reports provide a profile of all staff:

Aboriginal workforce summary

These reports provide a profile of Aboriginal employees. The term Aboriginal refers to all staff who identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

Workforce Reporting

EmailEducation.WorkforceDataandPlanning [at] sa.gov.au