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Department disclosure logs – information from freedom of information (FOI) requests

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Our disclosure log is a record of information that the department has released in response to a formal access application from an individual or organisation that the department considers to be of interest to other members of the public. This is in line with the Freedom of Information Act 1991. Usually only non-personal information is included on the log.

The log lists the information requested relevant to a specific time and may not contain the most up-to-date version of the information.

Find out more about our disclosure logs.

Disclosure logs


All documents relating to the hiring of facilities at Norwood International High School on 3 November 2024 (DE24/24941)

19 December 2024

All documents relating to the hiring of the facilities at Norwood International High School on 3 November - an event attended by the Premier and the Prime Minister. Please be sure to ensure the inclusion of all correspondence: - between the school and the department, - between the department and the Minister’s office, and - between the department and the Premier’s office; as well as any correspondence between either the school and/or the department, with the Labor Party and/or the Prime Minister’s office. Please include any documents (up to and including today - 4 November 2024) between the Communications Directorate and the school, the Chief Executive Officer and/or the Minister related to this matter. Time Frame: 1 September 2024 To 4 November 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Attendance, Suspension Rates Of Aboriginal Children And Young People From January 2022 To August 2024 (DE24/17161)

10 December 2024

Reports relating to programs established to support Aboriginal families to improve attendance by their Children including YERTA, Shooting Stars and Clontarf Foundation including programs run by Aboriginal Education Workers. Existing data reports about non-attendance and suspension of students where a breakdown for Aboriginal children is provided and produced. Reports summarising prosecution of Aboriginal parents by region and town, or suburb. Ministerial briefings about Aboriginal non-attendance, suspensions and exclusions (this includes children dropping out of school). Timeframe: 1 January 2022 to 14 August 2024.’

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents about use of Chromebooks and other devises operating in SA government schools (DE24/24311)

6 December 2024

1. I need a copy of instructions that has been sent out to schools specifying the minimum requirements (e.g. requirement around an internal audio jack for wired headset, minimum screen resolution, disallowing the use of wireless headset) for Chromebooks that are to be used for NAPLAN under Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) arrangement. 2. Whether there are different instructions around device specifications have been sent out to schools for the permitted Chromebook devices for NAPLAN and non-NAPLAN test taking students. If so, a current copy of instructions for both the cases. 3. For point 4, reworded - Who appoints the IT staff (i.e. DoE or schools?) and what are the minimum qualifications/competency requirements for recruiting such staff? Time Frame: I only want a copy of the latest revision/last communication with schools for point 1, 2 and 3 above that has been sent out to the schools in the last 6 months.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Enrolment Projections And School Capacity April To October 2024 (DE24/22732)

29 November 2024

Documents identifying enrolment projections and school capacity for South Australian public schools. Previously projections have been provided by FOI, most recently in November 2023. An updated version of this document, should it exist, would be satisfactory and sufficient. Time Frame: 17 April 2024 To 1 October 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Emails, memos or Other Correspondence about opening of capital works project at Woodend Primary School from 23/09/2024 to 1/11/2024 (DEDE/24822)

28 November 2024

All emails, memos or other correspondence between officers in either the communications directorate, and/or the capital projects team within the Infrastructure Division, with staff from either the Minister's office and/or the Premier's office, in relation to the opening of the capital works project at Woodend Primary School. Time Frame: 23 September 2024 To 1 November 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents Or Correspondence Showing Material Used In South Australian Curriculum And Schools From Website Called Amaze (DE24/23416)

26 November 2024

Documents or correspondence that shows the occurrence of, including but not limited to the use of, the request to use, or the recommendation to use material in South Australian curriculum & schools from the website https://amaze.org/ or any other documents that reference the aforementioned website. Time Frame: 1 January 2024 To 14 October 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Copy of Current Approved SA Relationships And Sexual Health Education Curriculum And Curriculum Resources (DE24/22254)

19 November 2024

A copy of the current version of the Shine SA Relationships and Sexual Health Education Curriculum, including curriculum resources, approved for use in South Australian Public Schools. Time frame: 24 September 2024 to 24 September 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings and Correspondence Relating to Teacher Shortages and/or other Staff Shortages (DE24/22658)

8 November 2024

All briefings relating to teacher shortages and/or other staff shortages provided to the Chief Executive, the Minister, or their offices. (Happy to limit discovery to briefings generated by the People and Culture Division and the Schools and Preschools Division.) All correspondence to or from the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive (Schools and Preschools) and/or the Executive Director (People and Culture) relating to teacher shortages and/or other staff shortages. Time frame: 1 July 2024 to 1 October 2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings To Chief Executive Or Minister Regarding Careers Education (DE24/22723)

7 November 2024

All briefings relating to Careers Education provided to the Chief Executive, the Minister, or their offices. (Happy to limit discovery to briefings generated by the Student Pathways and Careers Division, the Strategic Policy and External Relations Division, and System Performance.) All correspondence to or from the Chief Executive, the Executive Director (Student Pathways and Careers), the Executive Director (Strategic Policy and External Relations) and/or the Executive Director (System Performance) relating to Careers Education. Time frame: 2 March 2024 to 1 October 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Department for Education Investing Expenditure Across The Forward Estimates (DE24/22832)

1 November 2024

Documents identifying the breakdown of Department for Education investing expenditure across the forward estimates, broken down by year. From my experience I am aware that this information would be readily to hand in the Infrastructure Division. I am happy to have this presented in the form of a summary table rather than all documents, if that makes it easier to provide. I am happy to exclude leases and annual programs. Please disaggregate the 'five new technical colleges', 'local school infrastructure upgrades', and 'new projects' into individual sites. Rather than provide a date range I request the most recent available summary.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

riefing documents provided to the Minister or CE or their offices related to Year 1 phonics checks from 29/02/2024 to 1/10/2024 (DE24/22650)

31 October 2024

‘All briefing documents provided by the Department to the Minister or the Chief Executive, or their offices, related to the Year 1 phonics check. Exclude PBNs. Time Frame: From 29 February 2024 To 1 October 2024’

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Critical Incidents Involving Assaults by Students Against Teachers Resulting in Police Attendance in 2023 (DE24/23219)

23 October 2024

A summary document providing the number of critical incidents involving assaults by students on teachers which resulted in police attendance due to the incident. Such a document was provided at DE23/27391 and similar for the year in question is requested.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Department For Education Staff Currently Suspended From Duties (DE24/23217)

21 October 2024

Number of Department for Education staff currently suspended from duties, categorised by job title, type of site (ie school/preschool/support services /corporate/etc), region, and length of time suspended. A similar document was provided last year as per DE23/20276.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings prepared for the Minister re Shine SA since March 2022 (DE24/16680)

29 September 2024

Any briefings prepared for the Minister and correspondence sent to any schools in relation to the sex education policy or the SHINE SA curriculum offered in schools since 19 March 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Correspondence and Departmental Briefings Relating to the Forestville Hockey Club Relocation Project From 1/01/2024 To 20/08/2024 (DE24/19498)

27 September 2024

Correspondence to and from the Forestville Hockey Club and Unley High School, and departmental briefings to the Minister for Education, relating to the Forestville Hockey Club relocation project, specifically about completion timeframes, project delays, funding and additional funding requirements. Time Frame: 1 January 2024 To 20 August 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents Relating to Unley High School from 1/7/2023 to1/6/2024 (DE24/15055)

28 August 2024

‘I seek access to documents, specifically correspondence from/to Unley High School and departmental briefings to the Minister, regarding refurbishment, new classroom/s, upgrade, capacity management, and student numbers from 1 July 2023 to 1 June 2024.’

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

The Building What Matters Campaign - Correspondence Received By Communications Directorate Dated 2018 To 2022 (DE23/23293)

13 August 2024

All correspondence, memoranda, or emails received by staff in the Communications Directorate from DPC or the Premier's office in relation to the government's campaign regarding ‘Building What Matters’. Documents relating to communications with external vendors which require consultation to occur and documents relating to procurement matters may be excluded. Time frame: 17 March 2018 to 22 March 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Number Of Workers Compensation Claims 2014 To 2023 (DE24/15907)

12 August 2024

Number of workers compensation claims made for each year, from 2014-2023, with a breakdown of the type of incident, (if possible) the type of worker (i.e. leader, teacher, SSO etc), and the amount paid out.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Correspondence and briefings relating to 'Respectful Relationships' presentation to and from the Communications Directorate (DE24/07615)

29 July 2024

All correspondence, internal communications, and briefings relating to the respectful relationships presentation delivered at Renmark High School in March 2024, to and from the Communications Directorate. Timeframe: 22 March 2024 to 5 April 2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

The Heights School Capital Works (DE23/27328)

15 July 2024

‘All briefings regarding capital works and funding for The Heights School, between the Department for Education, Minister for Education, and the Chief Executive. Time frame: 18/3/2018 to 18/3/2022.’

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Respectful Relationships Presentation delivered to Renmark High School (DE24/07611)

28 June 2024

A copy of the presentation shown to students at the 'respectful relationships' session delivered at Renmark High School on March 22. Time frame: 22 March 2024 to 5 April 2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Number of staff each year from 2014-2023, who have submitted injury reports (presented by year) (DE24/10699)

28 June 2024

Staff incident numbers for each year, from 2014-2023, with a breakdown of the incident type during each of those years.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings Provided to Minister Regarding Delivery of Technical Colleges Election Promise (DE24/03410)

21 June 2024

All briefing documents provided by the department to the Minister or his office in relation to the delivery of the Technical Colleges election promise. Exclude Parliamentary briefings, and documents prepared for Cabinet. Time frame: 1 July 2023 to 9 February 2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

All briefing documents provided by the Department to the Minister or the Chief Executive, or their offices, related to the Year 1 phonics check. Exclude PBNs (DE24/04725)

30 May 2024

Briefing documents provided to the Minister either by, or with the endorsement of the CE, or the relevant director or executive directors relating to the Year 1 phonics check from the following areas: • Communications • System Performance • Partnerships, Schools and Preschools (now known as Schools and Preschools) and; • Briefing documents provided to the CE that relate to the Year 1 phonics check, with the word ‘phonics’ in their title or subject.’ Time frame: 09/11/2023 to 28/02/2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings prepared relating to the Grattan Institute report titled: "The Reading Guarantee: How to give every child the best chance of success" (DE24/04467)

10 May 2024

Any briefings prepared for: - the Minister or his office, - the Chief Executive or his office, - the Executive Director, Curriculum and Learning, - the Acting Executive Director, Strategic Policy and External Relations, - the Acting Deputy Chief Executive, Schools and Preschools, or - the Executive Director, System Performance relating to the Grattan Institute report titled: "The Reading Guarantee: How to give every child the best chance of success". Time Frame: 1 December 2023 to 21 February 2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Police Attendance at Schools (DE24/00486)

2 May 2024

Reports of incidents requiring police attendance at schools, including a summary of the information by school in line with that provided in previous FOIs on this topic, with further information to enable the reader to identify if multiple incidents resulted in in one police attendance. Time Frame: 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Compensation Claims by Teachers from 2013 to 2023 (DE24/07829)

1 May 2024

Details of de-identified compensation claims by teachers, in each calendar year from 2013 to 2023. Information to be provided in a report format, with the following parameters: - injury date - accepted/denied claim status - injury type (eg physical/psychological) - injury mechanism description - claim cost. To exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. Timeframe: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Correspondence regarding the presentation by or suspension of the provider who delivered the 'Respectful Relationships' Session at Renmark HS (DE24/07600)

1 May 2024

All correspondence sent to Education Directors or Principals by officers in the Department (likely from either the Chief Executive or senior Executives in Partnerships, Schools and Preschools) regarding the presentation by or suspension of the provider who delivered the respectful relationships session at Renmark High School on March 22. Timeframe: 22 March 2024 to 5 April 2024.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefing Papers relating to Quarter 4 2022 Quarterly Capital Works Report and all 2023 Quarterly Capital Works Reports (DE24/00913)

19 April 2024

A copy of briefing papers provided to the Minister titled "Quarterly Capital Works Report - Quarter 4 2022", with reference number 2022-07208-DE22/06681 (as identified in a list of briefings provided to me under FOI by the Department). All "Quarterly Capital Works" Reports prepared for the Minister by the Infrastructure Division in 2023. Timeframe: 1 January 2023 to 31 January 2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings prepared for the Minister by System Performance Division titled COAG 2023 Performance Report and ROGS June 2023 Update (DE24/00916)

18 April 2024

Briefings prepared for the Minister by the System Performance Division titled: - "Council of Australian Governments (COAG) 2023 Performance Report" (Ref 2023-03057-DE23/14077) and - "ROGS June 2023 Update" (Ref 2023-03146-DE23/14457)

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Number of Staff Each Year From 2014-2023, Who Have Submitted Injury Reports (DE24/00482)

17 April 2024

Staff incident numbers for the 2014 – 2023 period, with a breakdown of the incident type for the same period

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Highbury Primary School repairs, maintenance and capital works documents from 1 January 2023 to 26 September 2023 (DE23/22686)

16 April 2024

All correspondence between Highbury Primary School governing council and/or members of the school community and the Education Department relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at the school. I am happy to restrict discovery to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division. Any briefings or APAs within the Infrastructure Division of the Department relating to Highbury Primary School. Any reports or correspondence from facilities managers, the Education Director or the Principal on the same. I am happy to restrict discovery to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division. Any briefings provided to the Minister, the Chief Executive, the Chief Operating Officer or the Executive Director (Infrastructure) relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at Highbury Primary School. Time frame: 01-01-2023 to 26-09-2023’

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Agendas, Minutes And Reports Of Adelaide Botanic High School Governance Committee And Expansion Governance Steering Committee (DE24/03404)

12 April 2024

All Agendas and Minutes of meetings of, and Reports by the Adelaide Botanic High School Governance Committee and the Adelaide Botanic High School Expansion - Governance Steering Committee. Timeframe: 30 August 2023 to 9 February 2024

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Serious Incidents at OSHC (DE24/00236)

25 March 2024

Summary documents detailing each critical and/or serious incident reported at Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) services on Education Department sites between 16 February 2023 and December 31 2023 (inclusive), including; Date the incident occurred (at least the month), Name of the service, Category of incident, Details of incident (also previously provided as ‘Status’ of incident), Any actions taken by the Education Standards Board, Any actions taken by the Department. Note: This request is an update following a similar previous request by another person (DE23/08901) following which information was released in September 2023.’ Scope clarified: -A summary table as per Document 11 in DE23/08901, -Document similar to Document 6 in DE23/08901 Time Frame: 16 February 2023 to 31 December 2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Mulga Street Primary School – maintenance and repairs (DE23/22689)

21 March 2024

All correspondence between Mulga Street Primary School governing council and/or members of the school community and the Education Department relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at the school (restrict discovery to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division). Any briefings or APAs within the Infrastructure Division of the Department relating to Mulga Street Primary School. Any reports or correspondence from facilities managers, the Education Director or the Principal on the same (restrict discovery to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division). Any briefings provided to the Minister, the Chief Executive, the Chief Operating Officer or the Executive Director (Infrastructure) relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at Mulga Street Primary School. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 26 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Incident reports for 23 incidents dated January to October 2023 as noted in freedom of information application reference DE23/28557 (DE24/01535)

18 March 2024

The incident reports for 23 incidents dated January to October 2023 as noted in FOI #18512125 / 2023-08556-DE23/28557. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Names of preschools, primary or high schools and dates of evacuations or ‘invacuations’ in 2022 and 2023 (DE24/01373)

18 March 2024

Documents that show the name of the preschool, primary school or high school which had an 'evacuation' or 'invacuation' in 2022 and 2023 and the dates which these incidents occurred. Should a table exist showing the details that could suffice. Time Frame: 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Air quality monitoring station at West Beach Primary School (DE23/28995)

15 March 2024

A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters including drafts, text messages, WhatsApp messages, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Department for Education and the Environment Protection Authority in relation to the Air Quality Monitoring Station at West Beach Primary School. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 9 November 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings related to the Family Day Care Advertising Campaign and review of online COVID Learning, 2022. (DE24/01712)

13 March 2024

Copies of the following briefings prepared for the Minister by the Strategic Policy and External Relations Division: - "2022-06377-DE22/11347 - Family Day Care Advertising Campaign Evaluation" - "2022-07053-DE22/23739 - EMM-OOS 2226EM - Review of remote and online learning during COVID-19 - Final Report" And any subsequent briefings prepared for the Minister related to the Family Day Care Advertising Campaign.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Infrastructure and Maintenance Documents 1 January 2023 to 26 September 2023 Mount Barker South Primary School (DE23/22685)

8 March 2024

All correspondence between Mount Barker South Primary School governing council and/or members of the school community and the Education Department relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at the school (restrict discovery to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division). Any briefings or APAs within the Infrastructure Division of the Department relating to Mount Barker South Primary School. Any reports or correspondence from facilities managers, the Education Director or the Principal on the same (restrict discovery to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division). Any briefings provided to the Minister, the Chief Executive, the Chief Operating Officer or the Executive Director (Infrastructure) relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at Mount Barker South Primary School. Timeframe: 01 January 2023 to 26 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings and budget documents for the Primary student digital device policy (DE23/23236)

1 March 2024

All briefings for any member of the Senior Executive Group or the Minister relating to the "Primary student digital device policy". All documents relating to the proposed and final budgets for the measures described in this policy, as per the department's original Digital education strategy and the subsequent "Digital strategy 2023 to 2026". Time frame: 22 March 2022 to 8 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to Complex Commitments Subcommittee. (DE23/25237)

29 February 2024

All diary entries generated by the Complex Commitments Subcommittee Secretariat. All agendas, minutes, decisions and actions documents of the Complex Commitments Subcommittee. Time Frame: 20 March 2022 to 25 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings prepared by Support and Inclusion (DE24/01708)

28 February 2024

Copies of Briefings Prepared by Support and Inclusion 23ME1047, 22ME1238, 22ME3628, 2023 00762-DE23/00151

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Sexual assaults in schools (DE23/31318)

27 February 2024

The number of reports made to police relating to incidents (suspected or otherwise) of sexual assaults in schools for the 2023 year (1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023). Includes breakdowns: school or school district, year level of victim and accused perpetrator, number of reports which resulted in charged being laid, number of prosecutions proceeded with, number of school suspensions and expulsion.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Quorn Area School – maintenance and repairs (DE23/22684)

26 February 2024

All correspondence between Quorn Area School governing council and/or members of the school community and the Education Department relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at the school, any briefings or APAs within the Infrastructure Division of the Department relating to Quorn Area School. Any reports or correspondence from facilities managers, the Education Director or the Principal on the same, discovery restricted to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division. Any briefings provided to the Minister, the Chief Executive, the Chief Operating Officer or the Executive Director (Infrastructure) relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at Quorn Area School. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 26 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefing prepared by Infrastructure Division 22ME2171.2 (Meningie) and Subsequent Briefings (DE24/00756)

22 February 2024

The following briefing document prepared by the Infrastructure Division for the Minister: 22ME2171.2 - Meningie Area School Governing Council - State 2 School Building Project - Infrastructure - Meningie Area School. Any subsequent briefings or updates provided to the Minister regarding Meningie Area School.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Identifying enrolment projections and school capacity (DE23/29736)

20 February 2024

Documents identifying enrolment projections and school capacity for South Australian public schools. Previously projections have been provided by FOI, most recently in January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefing documents to the Chief Executive relating to the strategic asset management framework, including the asset management policy and strategy. (DE23/28513)

20 February 2024

All final briefings and briefing documents to the Chief Executive relating to the Strategic asset management framework, including the asset management policy and strategy. These documents are referred to on page 76 of the Auditor General's Report, which refers to them being approved by the Chief Executive in May. Time Frame: 1 March 2023 to 1 November 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Glenburnie Primary School – maintenance and repairs (DE23/22683)

20 February 2024

All correspondence between Glenburnie Primary School governing council and/or members of the school community and the Education Department relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at the school. Discovery is restricted to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division. Any briefings or APAs within the Infrastructure Division of the Department relating to Glenburnie Primary School, reports or correspondence from facilities managers, the Education Director or the Principal on the same. Discovery is restricted to relevant staff within the Infrastructure Division. Any briefings provided to the Minister, the Chief Executive, the Chief Operating Officer or the Executive Director Infrastructure relating to repairs, maintenance or capital works projects at Glenburnie Primary School. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 26 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings related to phonics screening (DE23/31217)

20 February 2024

Any briefings or minutes provided to the Chief Executive of the Department or Minister for Education related to phonics screening. Time Frame: 19 March 2018 to 31 December 2018.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Social media policy (DE23/30141)

15 February 2024

A copy of the department's social media policy, as released internally in 2023. This will also include copies of any briefing or other documents that constituted the approval of this policy update by the relevant Departmental officer as well as any internal communications produced by the Communications directorate relating to the new social media policy, any communications between the Communications directorate and the Minister's office relating to social media policy or use of the Department's social media pages. Time Frame: 1 January 2023 to 22 November 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to national partnership funding for preschools (DE23/20808)

9 February 2024

Any briefing documents provided to the Minister or his office, or the Chief Operating Officer, the head of the Office for Early Years, or the Chief Executive Officer relating to national partnership funding for preschools. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 13 August 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings relating to National Centre for Vocational Education Research (DE23/29132)

30 January 2024

Final department briefings to the Minister for Education including notes, email and reports (only those related directly to the final department briefings) relating to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Time Frame: 11 September 2023 to 13 November 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to infrastructure works at Adelaide Botanic High School (DE23/24459)

30 January 2024

All briefings, minutes, memos or other documents provided to the Minister or his office, or the Chief Executive, or the Executive Director Infrastructure, relating to infrastructure works at Adelaide Botanic High School.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to the In your Skin program (DE23/21075)

19 January 2024

All invoices, contracts, correspondence and documents relating to the inyourskin® (in your skin®/In Your Skin) program, founded and directed by Dr Tessa Opie. Time Frame 20 March 2022 to 15 August 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

List of briefings to Minister for Education, Training and Skills or the Hon Emily Bourke MLC prepared by Support and Inclusion, and Strategic Policy and External Relations divisions. (DE23/18275)

5 January 2024

A list of briefings documents provided to either the Minister for Education and the Hon Emily Bourke MLC or their offices prepared by the Support and Inclusion Division and the Strategic Policy and External Relations Division. Time Frame: 01/01/2023 to 07/07/2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

List of briefings prepared for the Minister for Education, Training and Skills by the following divisions: Infrastructure, Executive Strategy and Corporate Services and System Performance. (DE23/18276)

5 January 2024

A list of briefings documents prepared for the Minister for Education by the following Divisions: - Infrastructure; - Executive Strategy and Corporate Services; - System Performance. Time Frame: 01/01/2023 to 07/07/2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.


Consolidated lists of education directors including their relevant portfolios and/or partnerships. (DE23/28010)

21 December 2023

All consolidated lists of Education Directors, including their relevant portfolios (and/or partnerships), produced in the relevant dates. This list have been produced within the Partnerships, Schools and Preschools Division. Time Frame: 6 August 2022 to 24 October 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to Thebarton Aquatic Centre (DE23/22635)

21 December 2023

All correspondence and documentation sent to and received from the Thebarton Aquatic Centre regarding the funding of their upgrade by the State Government.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings related to truancy (DE23/27241)

30 November 2023

Any briefings provided to the Chief Executive or the Minister related to truancy, and/or measures designed to tackle truancy in schools. Exclude Parliamentary Briefing Notes. Time Frame: 1 July 2023 to 10 October 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Critical incidents involving assaults by students on teachers which resulted in police attendance (DE23/27391)

24 November 2023

A summary document providing the number of critical incidents involving assaults by students on teachers which resulted in police attendance due to the incident. Time Frame 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Briefings Provided to the Chief Executive or the Minister relating to the Maths Assessment Interview pilot program (DE23/27392)

15 November 2023

All briefings provided to the Chief Executive or the Minister relating to the Maths Assessment Interview pilot program (identified at https://www.education.sa.gov.au/department/media-centre/our-news/delivering-world-leading-mathematics-in-south-australian-public-schools )

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

List of Briefing Documents Provided to the former Minster for Education prepared by System Performance and Student Pathways (DE23/27286)

13 November 2023

A list of briefing documents provided to the former Minster for Education prepared by the System Performance division and Student Pathways (or equivalent). Time Frame: 1 January 2019 to 31 July 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documentation between the Department and the Office of Sport, Recreation and Racing regarding the upgrade of the Thebarton Aquatic Centre (DE23/22921)

9 November 2023

All correspondence and accompanying documentation between the Department and the Office of Sport, Recreation and Racing regarding the upgrade of the Thebarton Aquatic Centre. Time frame: 20 March 2022 to 1 September 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's inquiry into the market for the supply of childcare services (DE23/21154)

31 October 2023

Any briefings, correspondence or submissions relating to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's inquiry into the market for the supply of childcare services. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 16 August 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Assaults and violence in primary schools from 2021 to 2023 (DE23/15876)

26 October 2023

Documents, specifically ministerial briefings and attachments, reports, audits, correspondence including emails regarding physical assaults/ violence by students at primary schools. The documents will include the number 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively and specifics of individual incidents which include a description of the violence and the age/year of the student/s involved since 1 July 2022 to date this application is validated. Time frame: 1 July 2021 to 7 June 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to the Department for Education strategic plan (DE23/20806)

18 October 2023

Any briefing documents provided to the Minister or his office, or the Chief Executive Officer, relating to the Department for Education Strategic Plan. Time Frame: 1 March 2023 to 13 August 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Security in schools (DE23/21470)

18 October 2023

Documents detailing how much the state government has spent on employing security personnel (contracted or otherwise), employed to patrol public schools during normal school hours in 2022. Information provided in response to this FOI request to include a breakdown of these costs for each public school under the care of the state government.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Suspension and exclusion data in public schools (DE23/12078)

25 September 2023

Summary documents identifying data in relation to suspensions and exclusions in public schools, including: - the number of suspensions and exclusions in each site, for each of the last ten years, - the reason or category for the suspension or exclusion, if available, - the age or year level (whichever is easier to identify) of the suspended or excluded student. If one list is able to be created or identified that includes this information then that will be sufficient, rather than having to search through all documents. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 11 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to the Career Education Strategy (DE23/08889)

25 September 2023

All correspondence to or from, advice about, minutes of meetings, or other documents held by the CE, CFO, the COO or the Minister, related to the Department's Career Education Strategy. Any briefings provided by the Department to the Minister or his office related to the Department's Career Education Strategy. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 21 April 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

South Australian Government Financing Authority non-government schools loans program (DE23/14671)

20 September 2023

All correspondence between the Department and the Association of Independent Schools SA, and/or between the Department and any schools, relating to the South Australian Government Financing Authority non-government schools Loans program. Any briefings, memoranda, correspondence or other documents provided to the Minister, his office, or the CE regarding the program. Time frame: 1 July 2022 to 25 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to Works at Adelaide Botanic High School (DE23/10968)

18 September 2023

All briefings, minutes, memos or other documents provided to the Minister or his office, or the Chief Executive, or the Executive Director (Infrastructure), relating to infrastructure works at Adelaide Botanic High School. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 4 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Critical incidents in out of school hours care (OSHC) (DE23/08901)

8 September 2023

‘All briefings and memoranda relating to critical incidents in OSHC services on Department sites. All notifications to the Minister or his office about critical incidents in OSHC services on Department sites. All correspondence, briefings, memoranda or minutes of meetings between the Department and the Education Standards Board in relation to OSHC services. Any summary documents identifying the number and category of critical incidents in OSHC services on Department sites during the date period described. Time frame: 1 December 2022 to 15 February 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to National Centre for Vocational Education Research (DE23/18542)

7 September 2023

Final department briefings to the Minister for Education, Training and Skills (excluding parliamentary briefings), including notes, emails and reports (only those related directly to the final Departments briefings), relating to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Time Frame: 5 May 2023 to 12 July 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents relating to Mobile Phones in Schools (DE23/19923)

7 September 2023

All briefings produced by the Communications Directorate in relation to the government's campaign regarding mobile phones in schools, for either a member of the Senior Executive Group, for the Minister, for DPC or the Premier. All correspondence, memoranda, or emails received by staff in the Communications Directorate from DPC or the Premier's office in relation to the government's campaign regarding mobile phones in schools. Time Frame: 17 March 2023 to 27 July 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Campaign and advertising for the new Technical Colleges (DE23/13753)

6 September 2023

All briefings, memoranda and other documents relating to the cost or budget for communications campaigns and advertising for the Department's new Technical Colleges, and the development of the www.technicalcolleges.sa.gov.au website. Time frame: 1 July 2022 to 19 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Documents regarding Forestville Hockey Club (DE23/15247)

31 August 2023

Briefings and reports and correspondence between the Department for Education and the Forestville Hockey Club, relating to the Forestville Hockey Club, specifically in relation to the State Government's election commitment to relocate the Club and facilities to the Unley High School site. Time frame: 1 January 2023 to 30 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Staff currently suspended (DE23/20276)

30 August 2023

Number of Department for Education staff currently suspended from duties, categorised by job title, type of site (ie school/preschool/support services /corporate/etc), region, and length of time suspended. A table or a document in the form described.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Paradise Primary School finance documents. (DE23/18997)

16 August 2023

All documents presented to the Paradise Primary School Governing Council at their regular meetings showing the "Financial Report" including but not limited to documents titled "Paradise Primary School Finance Report - School". Time frame: 1 February 2019 to 1 July 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Communications campaign relating to the new Technical Colleges (DE23/13752)

14 August 2023

All briefings, memoranda and other documents relating to the communications campaigns and advertising for the Department's new Technical Colleges, and the development of the www.technicalcolleges.sa.gov.au website. Time Frame: 1 January 2023 to 19 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

School property repairs (DE23/17120)

10 August 2023

Documents which outline the amount spent per school each term to repair school property (damaged by students) over the past five years. Additionally, any documents which detail what property was damaged, and how, over five years for each of the states public schools. Time Frame: 1/1/2018 to 25/06/2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Costs of services provided by Harrison McMillan concerning teacher recruitment (DE23/12854)

2 August 2023

Documents that outline all costs to the Department for Education and South Australian Government for services provided by Harrison McMillan in the provision of all advice, support and undertakings in relation to the placement, recruitment and selection of teachers in Department for Education schools and preschools. Time frame: 1 January 2020 to 16 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Vocational education and training policy (DE23/17886)

31 July 2023

A copy of the policy released in May, titled "Vocational Education and Training Policy", a copy of the policy document that it replaced, and copy of whichever briefing or correspondence included the authorization for the update of this policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Mobile phone ban in schools (DE23/04565)

25 July 2023

All briefings produced by the Communications Directorate in relation to the government's campaign regarding mobile phones in schools. All correspondence, memoranda, internal departmental emails received by or produced by staff in the Communications Directorate in relation to the government's campaign regarding mobile phones in schools. Time frame: 01/09/2022 to 02/03/2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Internal complaints process (DE23/15886)

21 July 2023

Copies of all current internal formal and informal complaint management policy for staff complaints and grievances, including policy, complaint forms, procedural and references guides, and reporting requirements.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Assault, Weapons, Sexual, Drug and Other Offences Reported on Site - Site Responsibilities Procedure (DE23/15987)

10 July 2023

Documents cited and linked within the "Assault, Weapons, Sexual, Drug and Other Offences Reported on Site - Site Responsibilities Procedure.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Period products in schools initiative survey (DE23/15268)

26 June 2023

Copies of all feedback received from respondent schools to the survey conducted in late 2022 on the government's period products in schools initiative. Time frame 1 July 2022 to 30 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Reports made to police relating to sexual assaults (DE23/11200)

23 June 2023

The number of reports made to police relating to incidents (suspected or otherwise) of sexual assaults in schools for the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Time frame: 1 January 2019 to 5 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Projected enrolments and capacity for schools (DE23/14581)

15 June 2023

All public school (primary, senior, combined) projected enrolments and projected capacity for school years 2023, 2024 and 2025 by site.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Ventilation assessments (DE23/03792)

13 June 2023

Reports, recommendations, ministerial briefings, audits and correspondence to the Chief Executive, regarding action taken or not taken, relating to: Ventilation Assessments conducted at State Schools in the wake of Covid & Air Conditioning. Time frame: 1 July 2021 to 23 February 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

National security incidents at schools (DE22/21307)

13 June 2023

Summary document relating to incidents pertaining to "national security" in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. All briefings to the Minister, Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer or Executive Director related to any of these incidents. Time frame: 1 January 2018 to 7 November 2022. Document released at external review.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research briefings (DE23/11199)

5 June 2023

Final department briefings to the Minister for Education Training Skills (excluding parliamentary briefings), including notes, emails and reports (only those related directly to the final Departments briefings), relating to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Time frame: 20 October 2022 to 4 May 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Procurement of a diagnostic tool for high school students (DE23/04454)

2 June 2023

Documents held by Procurement, including purchase recommendations and acquisition plans for the procurement of a diagnostic tool for high school students to be matched with careers. Also any briefings to the Executive Director, CFO, COO, CE or Minister on the same. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 28 February 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

School capacity pressures 2021 (DE23/03783)

31 May 2023

For 2021, corporately held briefings, memos, reports to the Minister, Chief Executive and relevant Executive(s), pertaining to: capacity relating to zoning, capacity relating to enrolments and capacity and schools.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

School capacity pressures 2018 (DE23/03765)

30 May 2023

For 2018, corporately held briefings, memos, reports to the Minister, Chief Executive and relevant Executive(s), pertaining to: capacity relating to zoning, capacity relating to enrolments and capacity and schools.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

School capacity pressures 2019 (DE23/03778)

30 May 2023

For 2019, corporately held briefings, memos, reports to the Minister, Chief Executive and relevant Executive(s), pertaining to: capacity relating to zoning, capacity relating to enrolments and capacity and schools.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

School capacity pressures 2020 (DE23/3782)

30 May 2023

For 2020, corporately held briefings, memos, reports to the Minister, Chief Executive and relevant Executive(s), pertaining to: capacity relating to zoning, capacity relating to enrolments and capacity and schools.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Contract management procedure (DE23/08869)

19 May 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Contract Management procedure" released in March 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policies. Also any briefings on the policies produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Information sharing guidelines for promoting safety and wellbeing procedure (DE23/08870)

19 May 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Information sharing guidelines for promoting safety and wellbeing procedure" released in March 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policies. Also any briefings on the policies produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Procurement governance policy and procurement procedure (DE23/08871)

19 May 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policies in relation to "procurement governance policy" and "procurement procedure" released in March 2023, a copy of the previous policy documents that they replaced (unless they were entirely new policies), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policies. Also any briefings on the policies produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Procurement of the advisory firm Peg Consulting to undertake review of the Construction Industry Training Board (DE23/01462)

5 May 2023

All records and documents pertaining to the procurement of the review of the Construction Industry Training Board which mention the advisory firm Peg Consulting and/or Ingrid Haythorpe and/or Dr Tahnya Donaghy and/or Ainslie O’Connor. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 19 January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Operational policy framework (DE23/06345)

27 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Operational policy framework", released in January 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Disclosing information to SAPOL and Centrelink guideline (DE23/06343)

27 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Disclosing information to SAPOL and Centrelink guideline", released in January 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Children and students with disability policy (DE23/06341)

27 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Children and students with disability policy", released in January 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Out of School Hours Care policy (DE23/06346)

27 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Out of school hours care policy", released in January 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Out of School Hours Care Services on Department sites procedure (DE23/06348)

27 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Providing out of school hours care (OSHC) services on department sites procedure", released in January 2023, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Shared Adelaide/Adelaide Botanic High School zone (DE23/04668)

21 April 2023

Briefings related to the shared Adelaide/Adelaide Botanic High School zone. Time frame: 1 July 2022 to 3 March 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Mandatory notification procedure (DE23/05657)

19 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Mandatory Notification Procedure", released in December 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy. Also any briefing on the policy produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

New and updated policies and procedures for March 2023 (DE23/05631)

19 April 2023

All lists of new and updated policies and procedures produced for March 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Classification and renumeration procedure (DE23/05645)

18 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Classification and renumeration procedure" (or "classification and remuneration procedure"), released in December 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy. Also any briefing on the policy produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Managing unsatisfactory performance guideline (DE23/05650)

18 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Managing unsatisfactory performance guideline", released in December 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy. Also any briefing on the policy produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Overseas travel policy (DE23/05660)

18 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Overseas Travel Policy", released in December 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy. Also any briefing on the policy produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Procurement governance policy and procurement procedure (DE23/05662)

18 April 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policies in relation to "procurement governance policy" and "procurement procedure", released in December 2022, a copy of the previous policy documents that they replaced (unless they were entirely new policies), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policies. Also any briefings on the policies produced for the Minister or his office.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Sick leave and number of staff at schools (DE23/05451)

5 April 2023

Sick leave and number of staff at schools data from the following schools: Aldgate Kindergarten Inc, Aldgate Primary School, Basket Range Primary School, Bridgewater Kindergarten Inc, Bridgewater Primary School, Crafers Primary School, Heathfield Primary School, Lenswood Primary School, Mylor Primary School, Norton Summit Primary School, Scott Creek Primary School, Stirling District Kindergarten, Stirling East Kindergarten, Stirling East Primary School, Upper Sturt Primary School, Uraidla and Hills Community Kindergarten and Uraidla Primary School. Time frame: 17 October 2022 to 16 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Relocation of Forestville Hockey Club to Unley High School (DE23/05115)

30 March 2023

Briefings and reports relating to the relocation of Forestville Hockey Club to Unley High School and the establishment of hockey and associated facilities at Unley High School for or in connection with that purpose. Time frame: 1 September 2019 to 5 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

New and updated policies and procedures for January 2023 (DE23/04346)

28 March 2023

All lists of new and updated policies and procedures produced for January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Review of the Construction Industry Training Board (DE23/01461)

23 March 2023

All signed briefings and correspondence between Construction Industry Training Board and Department for Education that pertain to the review of the Construction Industry Training Board. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 19 January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Stakeholders used by Department to consult in relation to skills and/or training policy or procedure. (DE23/00727)

14 March 2023

All lists of stakeholders used by the Department when seeking to consult with stakeholders and interested parties in relation to skills and/or training policy or procedure.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Stakeholders used by Department to Consult in Relation to Early Childhood, Early Learning, Preschool Policy or Procedure (DE23/00726)

14 March 2023

All lists of stakeholders used by the Department when seeking to consult with stakeholders and interested parties in relation to Early Childhood, Early Learning and/or Preschool policy or procedure.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

New and updated policies and procedures for December 2022 (DE23/03161)

14 March 2023

All lists of new and updated policies and procedures produced for December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Supporting Gender Diverse, Intersex and Sexually Diverse Children and Young People Policy (DE23/03185)

9 March 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Supporting gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse children and young people policy", released in November 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Non-education service providers in preschools, schools and educational programs procedure (DE23/03169)

9 March 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Non-education service providers in preschools, schools and educational programs procedure", released in November 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy (DE23/03184)

9 March 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Safeguarding children and young people policy", released in November 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Police attendance at schools (DE23/01831)

6 March 2023

Reports of incidents requiring police attendance at schools. Time frame: 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Response To The 2020 Linda Graham Review Report (DE23/02247)

2 March 2023

Departmental documents/briefings relating to the Department's internal response regarding the Linda Graham Review Report (released 2020) into Suspensions, Exclusions and Expulsions only pertaining to Departmental documents relating to the Flexible Learning Options (FLO) program. Time frame: 1 December 2020 to 31 January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Purchase of Lenovo laptop devices for students and teachers (DE22/24658)

22 February 2023

All documents relevant to the purchase of Lenovo laptop devices for students and teachers (teacher and student devices - Lenovo Laptops #22/08619). I also seek documents which include advice in relation to the procurement process, including any recommendations regarding the Direct Negotiation method of procurement. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 15 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Search and Seizure Procedure Referred to in Student Use of Mobile Phone Policy (DE23/01801)

15 February 2023

Request access to the following document: 'Search and seizure procedure' as referenced in document 'Student use of mobile phones and personal devices policy'.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Ministerial Code of Conduct (DE23/00753)

13 February 2023

All documents since the election pertaining to the Ministerial Code of Conduct. Time frame: 20 March 2022 to 13 January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Minister's volunteering award recipients (DE23/00501)

9 February 2023

A list of the names of all recipients of the Minister's Volunteer Award during 2022, including the school, preschool or other site that the volunteer is associated with.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

New and updated policies and procedures for November 2022 (DE23/00725)

9 February 2023

All lists of new and updated policies and procedures produced for November 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Number of trainees in South Australian schools and the contract awarded to MEGT (DE22/24659)

9 February 2023

All documents which contain details of the number of trainees in South Australian schools. I also seek documents relevant to the contract awarded to MEGT (22/03573 Trainees In Schools) to engage a Group Training Organisation to manage approximately 90 Skilling SA trainees in schools. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 15 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research briefings (DE22/24522)

2 February 2023

Final department briefings to the Minister for Education Training Skills relating to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Time frame: 3 June 2022 to 20 October 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

NAPLAN results or other data for South Australia and/or Australia (DE22/20572)

2 February 2023

Any briefings provided to the Minister about the subject matter; and any other documents relating to advice, analysis or summary of 2022 NAPLAN results or other data for South Australia generated by or within the System Performance Division, but excluding any correspondence to/from Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Sporting and adventure activity instruction sheets (DE23/00728)

1 February 2023

Department for Education's Individual Sporting and Adventure Activity Instruction Sheets as updated since March 2021. Time frame: 17 March 2021 to 13 January 2023.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Vaping in schools and education programs (DE22/24215)

20 January 2023

Any briefings provided to the Minister or his office, or to the Chief Executive, in relation to: vaping in schools, education programs or campaigns regarding vaping, education programs or campaigns re drugs/alcohol/healthy lifestyle. Time frame: 20 March 2022 to 9 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Mandatory notification procedure (DE22/24590)

12 January 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Mandatory Notification Procedure", released in September 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Assault, weapons, sexual, drug, other offences reported on site - site responsibilities procedure (DE22/24589)

12 January 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Assault, weapons, sexual, drug and other offences reported on site - site responsibilities procedure", released in September 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Volunteers’ policy and procedure (DE22/24588)

12 January 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy and procedure: "Volunteer policy" and "volunteer procedure for schools, preschools and care settings", released in October 2022, a copy of the previous policy and procedure documents that they replaced (unless they were entirely new policies), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

School and Preschool enrolment policy (DE22/24587)

12 January 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "School and preschool enrolment policy", released in October 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Dispute resolution procedure between the Department for Education and Department of Human Services (DE22/24586)

12 January 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Dispute resolution procedure between the Department for Education and the Department of Human Services", released in October 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Behaviour support policy (DE22/24585)

12 January 2023

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Behaviour support policy", released in October 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Enrolment projections for South Australian public schools (DE22/24517)

12 January 2023

Documents identifying enrolment projections for South Australian public schools. Time frame: 1 November 2022 to 14 December 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.


23 December 2022 – DE22/22432

Summary of police attendance at schools. Time frame: 1 January 2021 to 21 November 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

23 December 2022 – DE22/19456

Documents prepared for the Minister for Education relating to Departmental capital works projects. Time frame: 20 March 2022 to 10 October 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

23 December 2022 – DE22/21312

Documents between the department and the Minister’s office in regards to the appearance of the Department of Education at Budget and Finance on 12 September and 9 November 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

23 December 2022 – DE22/23180

Documents relating to the use of the app ‘STYMIE’.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

16 December 2022 – DE22/21845

Student absenteeism data across state schools for the past five years.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

14 December 2022 – DE22/19444

Correspondence between senior executive staff and Infrastructure SA, and all briefings prepared for the Minister and/or the Chief Executive regarding Infrastructure SA. Time frame: 20 March 2022 to 10 October 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

12 December 2022 – DE22/21483

List of all new and updated policies and procedures produced for October 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

24 November 2022 – DE22/18802

Audit Management Letters and their corresponding audit reports from the 30 June 2022 Auditor-General's Department Audit period.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 November 2022 – DE22/20011

List of all new and updated policies and procedures produced for September 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 November 2022 – DE22/19953

Briefings relating to the 2022 parent survey. Time frame: 1 July 2022 to 20 October 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

11 November 2022 – DE22/19945

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Reporting critical incidents, injuries, hazards and near misses procedure", released in August 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

11 November 2022 – DE22/19944

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Incident coordination: managing incidents of extreme severity procedure", released in August 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

11 November 2022 – DE22/19940

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Assault, weapons, sexual, drug and other offences reported on site - site responsibilities procedure", released in August 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with all briefing documents and correspondence to and from whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

4 November 2022 – DE22/18088

Documents in relation to the Autism Education Advisory Group. Time frame: 21 March 2022 to 19 September 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

28 October 2022 – DE22/18493

A transaction list pertaining to all expenditure by the former Office of the Minister for Education. Time frame: 19 March 2018 to 31 March 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 October 2022 – DE22/13859

Documents in relation to the wearing of masks in schools during Term 3, 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

19 October 2022 – DE22/17901

All lists of all new and updated policies produced for August 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

18 October 2022 – DE22/16437

Documents relating to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Time frame: 18 March 2022 to 2 June 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

12 October 2022 – DE22/15831

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Union engagement procedure", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

7 October 2022 – DE22/17900

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Employee Recognition Guideline", released in July 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

7 October 2022– DE22/15833

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Flexible working arrangements procedure", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

7 October 2022 – DE22/13872

Documents informing future planning for infrastructure needs and/or capacity management for schools in the Mount Barker area. Time frame: 1 July 2021 to 26 July 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

30 September 2022 – DE22/15827

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Preschool provision in rural communities policy", released in March/April 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

30 September 2022 – DE22/13878

Documents prepared within or for the Infrastructure Division of the Department for Education, the Chief Executive or the Minister, informing future planning for infrastructure needs and/or capacity management for schools in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, including any documents prepared for Infrastructure SA about the same. Time frame: 1 July 2021 to 26 July 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 September 2022 – DE22/16280

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Public interest disclosure procedure", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 September 2022 – DE22/16279

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "non-education service providers in preschools, schools and educational programs  procedure", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 September 2022 – DE22/16269

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Classification and remuneration", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 September 2022 – DE22/15829

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Placement Procedure", released in June 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced, and the previous policy document before the March/April version. Also please provide the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for each of the new policies.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 September 2022 – DE22/15826

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Placement Procedure", released in March/April 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 September 2022 – DE22/16277

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Domestic Travel procedure", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 September 2022 – DE22/16273

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Engaging and consulting with employees", released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 September 2022 – DE22/16268

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Registration of Interest", released in March/April 2022, and also the subsequent update released in May 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing documents provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policies in March/April and again in May.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 September 2022 – DE22/15828

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Protective practices for staff in their interactions with children and young people - guidelines for staff working or volunteering in education or care settings", released in March/April 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 September 2022 – DE22/15825

The updated (or new) Departmental document: "Managing industrial action at corporate sites procedures", released in March/April 2022, a copy of the previous document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new procedure), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new document.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 September 2022 – DE22/15823

The updated (or new) Departmental policy in relation to "Attendance Policy", released in March/April 2022, a copy of the previous policy document that it replaced (unless it was an entirely new policy), along with the briefing document provided to whoever gave final approval for the new policy.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

14 September 2022 – DE22/16276

All lists of all new and updated policies produced for July 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

25 August 2022 – DE22/14744

All consolidated lists of Education Directors, including their relevant portfolios (and/or partnerships), produced in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

16 August 2022 – DE22/14123

All lists of all new and updated policies produced for March, April, May and June 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

9 August 2022 – DE22/12253

Documents to or from any officer of the Department for Education relating to toilets or toilet doors at Modbury High School. Time frame: 1 October 2021 to 31 December 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 July 2022 – DE22/10601

Documents relating to toilets at Modbury High School and/or Golden Grove High School. Timeframe: 19 March 2022 to 2 June 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

14 July 2022 – DE22/10861

Documents prepared for the Minister, the Chief Executive, or any Executive Director in the Department in relation to the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey 2022. Timeframe: 20 March 2022 to 8 June 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

12 July 2022 – DE22/09796

Documents relating to the number of break and enter, vandalism, arson, loss or damage incidents. Timeframe: 1 July 2020 to May 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

29 June 2022 – DE22/10646

The number of reported incidents in relation to: violent behaviour or assault etc., suspensions, expulsions police attendance for the following schools: Christies Beach High School, Seaview High School and Hallett Cove School. Time frame: 1 January 2021 to 30 December 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 June 2022 – DE22/09928

Names, titles, position descriptions, and pay levels of all new executive level appointments, including acting positions. Timeframe: 19 March 2022 to 26 May 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

15 June 2022 – DE22/08902

COVID-19 employee and Non-employee Vaccination Policy survey data.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

31 May 2022 – DE22/08243

All public school (primary, senior, combined) projected enrolments and projected capacity for school years 2022, 2023 and 2024 by site.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

18 May 2022 – DE22/06782

Briefings, minutes, correspondence and any other documents to/from the Chief Executive, or a member of the Senior Executive Group in the Department for Education, and the Chief Public Health Officer, or a member of the Public Health team in SA Health, that mention or refer to COVID restrictions in schools and early education settings. Timeframe: 20 March 2022 to 12 April 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 April 2022 – DE22/05446

Ministerial briefing notes and incoming Minster brief from 21 March 2022 to 24 March 2022.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

25 March 2022 – DE22/03209

Access the awarded tender contract for the following DECS020844 request for tender no. 23/11, for the provision of cleaning services at Underdale High School. Contract Commencement Date: 4 July 2011 Contract Expiry Date: 3 July 2017.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

8 March 2022 – DE22/01204

Copy of all periodic updates provided to the Chief Executive regarding the implementation of the McKinsey & Company school improvement program and the ‘Towards 2028’ strategic plan.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

8 March 2022 – DE22/01794

Ventilation audit of schools undertaken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including school-specific information. In addition, the independent trial of air purifiers commissioned by the department.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

3 March 2022 – DE22/01202

Copy of all reports, advice and documents produced by McKinsey & Company for the formation of the ‘Towards 2028’ strategic plan.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

24 February 2022 – DE22/01203

Copy of the current departmental statistics and modelling used to identify the shift towards becoming a world class education system by 2028.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

10 February 2022 – DE22/00343

All public school primary, senior, combined) projected enrolments and projected capacity for school years 2022 and 2023 by site.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

12 January 2022 – DE21/25569

  1. A breakdown of the total amount of funds made available towards the Minister’s Discretionary Fund in: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.
  2. A breakdown of all funds allocated from the Minister’s Discretionary Fund in each of the following years and what the funds were allocated for: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.
  3. The total funds remaining in the Minister’s Discretionary Fund for 2021/22 as of 12 December 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.


23 December 2021 – DE21/25391

Most recent ‘Capital Programs & Asset Services' - Summary of Capital Works Projects document.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

23 December 2021 – DE21/24118

Credit card statements for credit cards held by all Executive Assistants/Personal Assistants in the Office of Chief Executive for the Department for Education. Documents relating to reimbursements paid to the Chief Executive of Department for Education.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

chief executive claims for reimbursement (PDF 299 KB)

8 December 2021 – DE21/16031

All emails from or to Rick Persse, that mention or refer to the No Jab, No Play provisions.

Timeframe: 1 March 2019 to 28 February 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

2 December 2021 – DE21/21877

1. A copy of all contracts entered in to or proposed to the Department that involve Mr Geoff Rohrsheim or a related entity including but not exclusive to the following entities; Hatch Creations,  CEVO, ARINCO, YourHealthi, Chamonix IT Solutions, RESCO,  Smart City Solutions, Alcidon Group Ltd, Expose, Nimbal, Kloud Solutions.

2. A copy of all diary entries, meetings notes, briefings, proposals, emails or documents held by the Department that involve Mr Geoff Rohrsheim or Mr David Rohrsheim or a related entity regarding any unsolicited proposal or bid.

3. A copy of all unsolicited proposals or bid sent to the Office of the Minister for consideration from any other entity or person.

Timeframe: 18 March 2018 to 22 October 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 November 2021 – DE21/22138

Documents prepared for the Minister for Education or Office of the Minster for Education regarding SACE.  

Timeframe: from 1 January 2021 to 26 October 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

18 November 2021 – DE21/21636

Summary document showing the number of parents on barring orders from public school sites since 1 January 2020.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

18 November 2021 – DE21/21637

Summary document showing the number of time State school sites have gone into lock down since 1 January 2020.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

number of state school lockdowns (PDF 618 KB)

14 October 2021 – DE21/19355

School Resource Standard and funding provided to schools in 2021 and 2023

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

school resource standard and funding - 2021 and 2023 (PDF 3 MB)

1 October 2021 – DE21/18408

Documents provided to the office for the Minister for Education, which were used to develop options for setting the draft school zone boundaries for the new public high school in Rostrevor.

Preliminary stakeholder feedback [on the draft school zone boundaries for the new public high school in Rostrevor.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

1 October 2021 – DE21/18657

Copies of all briefings / notes / minutes / reports from the Department of Education prepared regarding changes to SAPSASA sporting carnivals.

Timeframe: 1 January 2020 to 31 August 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 September 2021 – DE21/17234

Chief Executive reimbursement claims and Executive Assistant credit card Statements

Timeframe: 1 July 2020 to 12 August 2021

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

chief executive claims for reimbursement and executive assistant credit card statements (PDF 1 MB)

13 September 2021 – DE21/17135

A list of all public servants seconded to the Minister for Education's Office, including start and finish dates and position title. The number of complaints, concerns, conflict or dispute avoidances, request for transfers and worker compensation claims raised by staff employed in the Minister’s office. Any documents that refer to the complaints, concerns, conflict or dispute avoidances, request for transfers and worker compensation claims raised by staff in the Minister’s Office

Timeframe: 22 March 2014 to 17 March 2018

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

10 September 2021 – DE21/13207

Employee suspension data, by employee type, type of suspension, current status and outcomes.

Timeframe: April 2018 to June 2021

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

3 September 2021 – DE21/13718

Briefings and minutes to/from the Chief Executive and Minister for Education, that mention or refer to: The No Jab, No Play provisions of the SA Public Health Act.

Timeframe: 1 March 2019 to 31 October 2020

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

2 September 2021 – DE21/16588

All Ministerial and Departmental reports, correspondence and briefings relating to the proposal and arrangements for the History Trust of SA to assume tenancy of and re-locate to Ayers House.

Timeframe: 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

11 August 2021 – DE21/15388

Number of students currently enrolled in Adelaide and Adelaide Botanic High Schools and of those, the number who live in and out of the school zones.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

11 August 2021 – DE21/15237

A list of all public servants seconded to the Minister for Education’s Office, including start and finish dates and position title. The number of complaints, concerns, conflict or dispute avoidances, request for transfers and worker compensation claims raised by staff employed in the Minister for Education’s Office Any documents that refer to complaints, concerns, conflict or dispute avoidances, request for transfers and worker compensation claims raised by staff employed in the Minister for Education’s Office.

Timeframe:  22 March 2018 to 7 July 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

22 July 2021 – DE21/15164

Most recent ‘Capital Programs and Asset Services – Summary of Capital Works Projects’ document.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

21 July 2021 – DE21/13209

All documents that show the identification and planning process and costs associated with erecting ‘Building What Matters’ bunting for capital works projects at public education sites state-wide.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

16 July 2021 – DE21/13406

Roxby Downs Area School leadership meeting minutes.

Timeframe: 1 February 2021 to 16 June 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

8 July 2021 – DE21/12865

Independent review conducted by KPMG in 2010 of the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

28 June 2021 – DE21/10495

Documents relating to the Sammy D Foundation and funding to provide programs in public schools.

Timeframe: 1 July 2020 to 14 May 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

16 June 2021 – DE21/10982

Incidents regarding student mobile phone content by category from 2015 - 2020.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Document download incidents regarding student mobile phone content by category from 2015 - 2020 (PDF 561 KB)

28 May 2021 – DE21/08410

Extract listing the files created when allegations of sexual misconduct are made against any person employed in any capacity at a school (excluding personal information), from January 2020 to April 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

26 May 2021 – DE21/08513

Monthly summary report to executive, detailing allegations of misconduct by employees (excluding cases of sexual misconduct and personal information), from January 2020 to April 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

14 May 2021 – DE21/05609

Inclusive Education Support Program funding, complexity funding allocations by site and enrolment data from the 2020 Term 3 enrolment census by site from January 2020 to March 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

30 April 2021 – DE21/07640

Current enrolment registers for Adelaide Botanic High School and Adelaide High School and as at 1 February 2020 and 1 February 2019.

Current number of the list of students and as at 1 February 2020 and 1 February 2021, who are outside the school zone for; Norwood Morialta High School, Marryatville High School, Plympton International College, Roma Mitchell Secondary College, Findon High School and Woodville High School.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

27 April 2021 – DE21/02359

Incident reports and any CCTV footage provided, relating to incidents where police attended, and incidents reported to police from 1 January 2020 to 3 February 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

23 April 2021 – DE21/06754

Individual sporting and adventure activity instruction sheets.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

23 April 2021 – DE21/06531

Most recent document titled ‘Capital Works Report’ and accompanying minute sent to the Minister for Education.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

19 April 2021 – DE21/06051

EMC Technologies RF Electromagnetic Field Survey - Report No. M2002043. The survey was conducted at Parndana, Kingscote and Penneshaw campuses between 3 March 2020 to 17 March 2020.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

15 April 2021 – DE21/04840

Costs associated with moving Year 7 from South Australian Primary Schools to High School from 25 March 2018 to 2 March 2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

9 April 2021 – DE21/05514

All fortnightly reports submitted to the Chief Executive following each Capital Works Governance Committee meetings, since the Committee's inception.

Standard Goods and Services Agreement between Hon Dr Dean Brown AO and the Chief Operating Officer of the Agency.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

9 April 2021 – DE21/05365

Data showing the number of students that have left each Adelaide Hills public primary school each year over the past five years, EXCLUDING those year 7 students who left to attend high school.

Hills public primary schools include: Aldgate PS Basket Range PS Birdwood PS Bridgewater PS Callington PS Crafers PS Echunga PS Gumeracha PS Hahndorf PS & CPC Heathfield PS Houghton PS Kersbrook PS Lenswood PS Littlehampton PS & CPC Lobethal PS Macclesfield PS Meadows PS Millbrook PS Mt Barker PS Mt Barker South PS Mt Torrens PS Mylor PS Nairne PS & CPC Norton Summit PS Oakbank AS Paracombe PS Scott Creek PS Stirling East Primary School Upper Sturt PS Uraidla PS Woodside PS.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

6 April 2021 – DE21/04821

Summary table referencing the number of temporary relief teachers being utilised across the education system.

Timeframe: 25 March 2018 to 2 March 2021

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

31 March 2021 – DE21/03786

Schools with asbestos containing materials.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Schools with asbestos containing materials (PDF 703 KB)

29 March 2021 – DE21/04244

All public preschool projected enrolments and capacity for 2021 and 2022 by site.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

25 March 2021 – DE21/03999

School Services Officers (SSO), Early Childhood Workers (ECW) and Aboriginal Education Workers (AEW) - Vacancy Data 2020.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

24 March 2021 – DE21/04534

Breakdown of the figures shown in DE21/00237 Document 1 to show what component is for project management.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Total costs of management fees for capital works projects including project management (PDF 347 KB)

23 March 2021 – DE21/04535

Project management costs contracted to Sensum Group of 12 School site upgrades.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Project management costs contracted to Sensum Group of 12 School site upgrades (PDF 1 MB)

17 March 2021 – DE21/05032

List of all staff At Camden Primary School in 1990.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

17 February 2021 – DE20/29543

All public school (primary, senior, combined) projected enrolments and projected capacity for school years 2021 and 2022 by site.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

3 February 2021 – DE21/00237

Total costs of management fees charged from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) to all current capital works projects, listed by school site.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

Total costs of management fees for capital works projects (PDF 687 KB)

15 January 2021 – DE20/27723

All briefings, minutes or reports regarding the capital works projects at the following schools from 1 June 2020 to 25 November 2020:

  • Adelaide High School
  • Glenunga International High School
  • Roma Mitchell Secondary College
  • Norwood Morialta High School
  • Unley High School
  • Port Lincoln High School
  • Golden Grove High School
  • Salisbury East High School
  • Banksia Park International High School
  • Henley High School
  • New Goolwa School

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.


Date of determinationReference numberApplication summaryCopy of document
18 December 2020DE20/27792Resource Entitlement Statement, Profit and Loss Statement and Supplementary Report for Pipalayatjara Anangu School for 2019.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
4 December 2020DE20/23536Minister's approval for department's use of enrolment exemption forms.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
30 November 2020DE20/22490Incidents involving weapons on school grounds from 1 January 2018 to 30 October 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
27 October 2020DE20/22332Names of teachers employed at Ardtornish Primary School in 1998.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
2 October 2020DE20/16944Recent, final findings and reports that have not been publicly released, by consultants engaged to review internal policies, operations or programs from 1 July 2019 to 16 July 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
25 September 2020DE20/18210Recruitment of leadership positions at Alberton Primary School from 1 January 2018 to 12 March 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
3 August 2020DE20/16740Historical lifecycle data from the Strategic Asset Management System for public school sites as of 1 January 2020 and as of 1 July 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
31 July 2020DE20/13018Number and cost of property related school incidents by category from 2017 financial year to present.Number and cost of property related school incidents since 2017 (PDF 2 MB)
27 July 2020DE20/14959Documents between the Department for Education and Ms Power MP about Springbank Education Review from 1 March 2020 March to 25 June 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
16 July 2020DE20/13197Asbestos report and register for Riverton and Districts High School from 1 January 1992 to 31 December 2005.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
6 July 2020DE20/11998All documents regarding public consultation on zones for the new Angle Vale B-12 School from 1 July 2019 to 18 May 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
1 July 2020DE20/13767The Recruitment of Teaching Staff policies over the periods of 2004 to current.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
22 May 2020DE20/11642Allocated funding from the $25 Million school and maintenance package for 116 locations announced in April 2020.Allocated funding from $25 million school and maintenance package (PDF 563 KB)
7 May 2020DE20/00537Correspondence regarding funding of the Power to End Violence Against Women Program between the department and Port Adelaide Football Club or Power Community Limited from 1 January 2019 to 6 January 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
5 May 2020DE20/06177Ministerial briefings including attachments relating to Family Day Care from 1 March 2019 to 5 March 2020.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
15 April 2020DE20/05966Postal Addresses for all Family Day Care Providers in South Australia.Postal Addresses for all Family Day Care Providers in SA  (PDF 1 MB)
6 April 2020DE20/06168Ministerial briefings relating to 2019 Phonics Screening Check.Ministerial briefings relating to 2019 Phonics Screening Check (PDF 4 MB)
25 March 2020DE20/0310Details of capital works at schools listed for major school updates. Details of capital works at schools (PDF 1 MB)
13 March 2020DE19/30373Applications / requests received from special schools by the Special Education Resource Unit for access to specialist equipment from 1 January 2018 to 20 November 2019.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department


Date of determinationReference numberApplication summaryCopy of document
13 December 2019DE19/27135

Documents relating to school closures and amalgamations from 1 March 2019 to 17 October 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
6 December 2019DE19/27778Documents relating to the Capital Works Assistance Loan taken out by Eastern Fleurieu School, Strathalbyn, in or around 2012, for $600,000.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
6 December 2019DE19/23832Eastern Fleurieu school budget management and employee complaint procedure.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
18 November 2019DE19/27134Historical lifecycle data report demonstrating the lifecycle of the department’s physical assets.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
13 November 2019DE19/26349Clovelly Park Primary School Weekly Staff Meeting Minutes from 1 January 2019 to 13 October 2019.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
13 November 2019DE19/26348Clovelly Park Primary School Weekly Leadership Meeting Minutes from 1 January 2019 to 13 October 2019.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
13 November 2019DE19/25306Communications Regarding the Promotion of a Pedagogical Coach at Clovelly Park Primary School.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department

30 October 2019


All correspondence between staff within the Office of the Minister for Education and the agency regarding Golden Grove High School from 18 March 2018 to 13 September 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department

30 October 2019


All briefings and Ministerial notes (final versions) regarding Golden Grove High School from 18 March 2018 to 13 September 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department

14 October 2019DE19/24566Information on schools that have air conditioners, water based conditioners and cooling towers.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department

27 September 2019


All documents regarding enrolment demand, enrolment projections or future student demand for Seaford Rise Primary School or the Seaford Rise Primary School catchment.

Timeframe: 1 April 2018 to 29 August 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department

27 September 2019


All documents regarding enrolment demand, enrolment projections or future student demand for Moana Primary School and the Moana Primary School zone.

Timeframe: 1 April 2018 to 29 August 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department

16 September 2019DE19/20823Details of all applications that were received for the tendering of teacher training that was contracted to the University of Melbourne on 5 March 2019.Download document (PDF 417 KB)
28 August 2019DE19/12790Final versions of minutes, briefings and data about enrolment demand, enrolment projections and future demand for public schooling in the electorate of Kaurna. Dated from 1 February 2019.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
19 August 2019DE19/00027All documents relating to early years class sizes initiatives since 2002For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
14 August 2019DE19/11599Documents relating to syringe incidents in schools and childcare centres since 1 January 2017For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
14 August 2019DE19/14188

Calendar of the Chief Executive including names of government attendees at meetings, 1 March 2018 to 13 June 2019.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
31 July 2019DE19/16311Documents showing student enrolment by location or suburb, also known as a 'star chart' for each of the following schools: Adelaide High School, Adelaide Botanic High School, Ascot Park Primary School, Black Forest Primary School, Clovelly Park Primary School, Richmond Primary School, Plympton Primary School, Forbes Primary School, Edwardstown Primary School, Goodwood Primary School, Unley Primary School, Plympton International College, Westbourne Park Primary School, Unley High School, Urrbrae Agricultural High School for the 2017 calendar year.Download document (PDF 378 KB)
31 July 2019DE19/16310Documents showing student enrolment by location or suburb, also known as a 'star chart' for each of the following schools: Adelaide High School, Adelaide Botanic High School, Ascot Park Primary School, Black Forest Primary School, Clovelly Park Primary School, Richmond Primary School, Plympton Primary School, Forbes Primary School, Edwardstown Primary School, Goodwood Primary School, Unley Primary School, Plympton International College, Westbourne Park Primary School, Unley High School, Urrbrae Agricultural High School for the 2016 calendar year.Download document (PDF 153 KB)

29 July 2019


Documents relating to enrolment modelling, future enrolment numbers, capacity management for Seaview High School.

Timeframe: 1 October 2018 to 28 February 2019.
Download document (PDF 105 KB)
29 July 2019DE19/10299

Documents relating to enrolment modelling, future enrolment numbers, capacity management for Brighton Secondary School.

Timeframe: 1 October 2018 to 28 February 2019.
Document download (PDF 114 KB)
1 July 2019DE19/13317Documents between the Department for Education and the Minister for Education John Gardner or his office, regarding the International Baccalaureate and the Government’s Commitment to allow 4 additional schools to offer the International Baccalaureate.
Timeframe: 19 March 2018 to 29 May 2019.
For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
26 June 2019DE19/13197Staff gift registry from 1 January 2018For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
25 June 2019DE19/11591Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages (TVSPs) for the Department for Education from 21 August 2018 to 1 May 2019For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
13 June 2019DE19/07886

Enrolment data for zoned high schools:

  • number of students enrolled
  • number of students enrolled whose residential address is outside the school’s zone
  • number of international students enrolled.
For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
15 April 2019DE19/06970Heat stress at education facilities since 1 December 2018For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
25 March 2019DE19/04992Documents regarding Strathmont Pool In Oakden since March 2018For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
8 March 2019DE18/52576Documents regarding the Aboriginal Affairs Action Plan - 17 March 2018 to 13 December 2018For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
27 February 2019DE19/05121Correspondence between Department for Education and the Hon Richard Harvey MP in relation to Tea Tree Gully Primary School; from 18/3/2018 to 29/1/2019.Download document (PDF 147 KB)
8 February 2019DE19/00029Enrolment information for Felixstow Community School and Walkerville Primary SchoolFor copies of documents disclosed, contact the department
18 January 2019DE18/51314Cost of indoor plants in the department for the period 18 March 2017 to 17 March 2018 and 18 March 2018 to 3 December 2018For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department


Date of determinationReference numberApplication summaryCopy of document
21 December 2018DE18/49794Calculation method of cleaning and maintenance funding for all sitesDownload document (PDF 1 MB)
17 December 2018DE18/48460List of schools in The Building Better Schools ProgramDownload document (PDF 543 KB)
17 December 2018DE18/48461Materials and Services Charge for each school for 2018Download document (PDF 1 MB)
17 December 2018DE18/48462Number of suspensions and exclusions for years 6-12 for 2013 - 2018Download document (PDF 475 KB)
23 November 2018DE18/44068Funding agreements regarding Tea Tree Gully Toy Library - January 2018 to September 2018For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
19 November 2018DE18/45994Average class sizes or students to teacher ratios in schools from 2008 to 2018.Download document (PDF 2 MB)
9 November 2018DE18/35752Documents held by the Office of the CE (inc Chief Operating Officer) and People and Culture relating to departmental surveys about schools, early childhood, teachers or students. Specifically:
  1. Surveys and their findings
  2. Reports, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments
  3. Proposed surveys
Timeframe: since 1 January 2018.
Download document (PDF 3 MB)
9 November 2018DE18/32813Documents since 1 January 2017 to 28 June relating to bullying / measures to address the issue of bullying. Specifically:
  • reports
  • audits
  • ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments
  • executive meeting minutes
  • board meeting minutes
  • bullying taskforce meeting minutes
  • internal correspondence (restricted to Office of the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive.
The number of:
  • children that were bullied 2016/2017 and 2017/28 June 2018
  • incidents of bullying where teachers or students have required medical attention
  • incidents of bullying which have been referred to police.
For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
1 November 2018DE18/44075Statistics relating to Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace - Financial Years - 2008-2018.Download document (PDF 100 KB)
31 October 2018DE18/36684Correspondence between the department and school principals or governing councils regarding Building Better Schools infrastructure projects since 19 March 2018.Download document (PDF 4 MB)
30 October 2018DE18/37737Learning Difficulties Grant Allocation – 2014 – 2018 (Year to date – August)Download document (PDF 664 KB)
2 October 2018DE18/36944Focus Groups relating to Transition of Year 7 from Primary to High School. From 2018-03-19 to 2018-08-20.Download document (PDF 597 KB)
24 September 2018 DE18/35878Estimated per student funding allocation from State Government Funding - Non Government SchoolsFor copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
17 August 2018DE18/31751Meetings between the Chief Executive, Minister and staff.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
13 August 2018DE18/33901Freedom of Information requests received from the Liberal Opposition between 17 March 2014 and 16 March 2018.Download document (PDF 1 MB)
2 August 2018DE18/30247Documents relating to Gender Equity and Gender Neutral PolicyFor copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
29 June 2018DE18/30248Documents listing senior Human Resources staff since 17 March 2018Download document (PDF 789 KB)
26 June 2018DECD18/06532Thirty recent DECD Ministerial BriefingsFor copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
20 June 2018DE18/30178SA Teachers Workers Compensation claims since 1 January 2016.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
11 May 2018DE18/12118All documents including emails related to recorded incidents of violence at Sheidow Park Primary School which occurred between February 2016 and April 2017.For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.
9 March 2018DECD18/05899Year 1 Phonics screening check trial 2017 evaluation.Download document (PDF 30 MB)
20 February 2018DECD17/51802Correspondence between DECD and the University of SA, and minutes of meetings involving the University of SA, regarding the Magill Education Precinct.Download document (PDF 459 KB)
20 February 2018DECD18/02272Number of families with outstanding Material and Services Charges that have been forwarded to the Department for recovery and the number of applicable schools who have engaged the centralised dept recovery service. Timeframe: as at 31 December 2017.Download document (PDF 83 KB)
9 February 2018DECD18/00001In relation to the sale of the former Taperoo Primary School, any document that details a formalised agreement between the relevant parties regarding the responsibility to bear cost of site remediation.Download document (PDF 1 MB)


Date of determinationReference numberApplication summaryCopy of document
21 December 2017DECD17/52291

For all buildings used by DECD staff in a pre-school, primary school or secondary school contexts, any audit, list, log or schedule of maintenance works including the cost of those works including any grading of the urgency or seriousness of the works (including whether any necessary works pose a threat to safety of staff or students).

Timeframe: 2014, 2015, 2016 school years (or if reporting period is financial then 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17).

Download document (PDF 91 KB)

Download document (2014/15) (PDF 56 MB)

Download document (2015/16) (PDF 59 MB)

Download document (2016/17) (PDF 59 MB)

27 November 2017DECD17/50769

1. The number of drug related incidents from October 2016 to date of application.

2. Copies of all "Notifiable Incident Report" forms and attachments for the period September and October 2017 related to types of incidents categorised as:

  • drugs; and
  • sexual abuse

If you would like to obtain copies of documents disclosed, please contact the department.

Download document (PDF 97 KB)
15 November 2017DECD17/50758Copies of submissions made to the review on the Australian Curriculum.Download document (PDF 416 KB)
15 November 2017DECD17/50441

Details of all grants and subsidies in the 2016-17 financial year, including:

  • payments from DECD Corporate to DECD controlled schools, preschools and children’s centres
  • payments to other SA Government agencies
  • payments to external third party organisations.
Download document (PDF 612 KB)
6 November 2017DECD17/48458How many DECD schools are currently enforcing capacity management plans in September 2016, 2015 and 2014.Download document (PDF 334 KB)

Information Release

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